This is an absolutely ridiculous scheme! Firstly, the police should be the ones clocking people for speeding if they really must waste our tax money on this, (personally I think speed limits suck!), if members of the public were to undertake this job it could end up as a total shambles with people getting fined when they weren't speeding... "Oh look, there's that dude I hate... hehehe suck this bitch!"
Also what kind of scum bag would volunteer for this kind of job?

"Err can you slow down please! I'm telling!!"
I mean if you really want to be a traffic Nazi, why don't you just get a job as a traffic warden? That's what most arseholes do!

Traffic Nazi raleigh, within seconds of the driver leaving his car, these guys crept out of the shadows.
One of the worst things about this evil scheme is that, according to the above article, Croydon Council seem to have spent lots of money on it. Well whos money have they spent? That's right, OUR money, your tax money! I don't want to pay for this kind of thing. Just like I don't agree with paying for stupid things like speed bumps, which damage the suspension on your vehicle which in turn costs you more when you have to go and get it fixed, or speed cameras, those evil EVIL watchful eyes of the road, they cause more accidents by drivers slamming their brakes when they see them. I mean, ok, speed limits are fine in built up areas and during the day, but come on, at night on the motorway when it's totally empty, go as fast as you feel safe. Most accidents don't happen because of speeding, they happen because of careless driving:
Which leads us to....
The Government want to reduce the speed limit!

Check this out:
Are you serious? 20mph? If they want you to go that slow, you may as well just walk. Or why not restrict the speed limit on cars? Personally I'd just stop driving if that happened. 30mph is already slow enough but we are becoming such a cotton wool coated society it's ridiculous. In every part of life we're being wrapped up and cushioned, people of the future are just going to be a bunch of pussies! Already, pretty much gone are the real men, mens men.
"The 20mph zones are proven to save lives and that is especially important when thinking about children and the elderly."
Yes 20mph zones save lives, of course they do because when you get hit it's like running into a woman jogging with two massive air bags on her chest! ;o)
Fair enough if they want to drop it to 20mph around schools, but from 60mph to 50mph in the Country side? Why? For what reason? I'd also like to point out that it's much harder to drive around at 20mph, in second gear... what is happening to this Country? Comments please...
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