I've been given some pills by my doctor for my acid reflux, so he suggested I stop drinking while I take them so I figured that my gut should drop off a bit without the beer so I thought I'd go on a high protein diet too, surely that would help me to lose some weight? (well it would at LEAST give me really bad farts!). Well it's been 2 weeks now, I'm constantly starving! Saturday morning I was out of food so I went to the supermarket, I stopped off at work to have a protein shake and collect Nattie's car, (for those of you that don't know, Natalie is my Girlfriend and I've been looking after her car while she was on holiday).

I drove to Sainsburys and parked up. Then I took a stroll down to Game. I've been wanting Crackdown on XBox360 for quite a long time, when it first came out I bought it and hated it so I took it back but I've really been wanting it for the past couple of months. So I bought it for £7 second hand... amazingly it looks like a brand new copy :oD So I headed back to Sainsburys and I realised... Watford NEEDS a couple of foot bridges. You see, because it works on a stupid one way system there's a ring road going all around the town, so there's no direct, 'as the crow flys' route to the supermarket, you have to go all the way up the high street, a couple of foot bridges over that damn ring road would make life easier. So now I was forced to walk up the high street with all the fucktards.
What is it with people en-mass in shopping areas? I mean it's obvious why they made Dawn of the Dead about people in a shopping mall, people DO act like zombies. I mean, walking around, unable to go in a straight line, oblivious to their surroundings.

Actual shoppers at the Harlequin in Watford, I took the photo myself, promise.
Have you ever noticed the ones who walk in a group, normally taking up the whole pavement, normally with their stupid kiddie buggies of doom! They use those things like a bloody weapon, or a road safety tester. Well I was stuck behind a group of three guys, one was playing Mother for the day and these three inbreds, it appears, couldn't walk and talk at the sametime, nope, for these freaks of nature, they had to stop dead if they wanted to attempt to communicate with each other... very annoying when they're walking in front of you!

Like these but with a baby buggy of doom.
By the time I'd reached the supermarket, I was pissed off! Thick people everywhere! Now I had to deal with them in store too. So, I wizzed around and grabbed what I needed and then back home.
I made some breakfast, (at 1pm), a lovely 3 egg omlette :o) then I did some washing and had a tidy up. As you can tell, Mr J lives a VERY exciting life. Then I sat down and played Crackdown. I LOVED it, why did I ever take it back?

So I spent the entire weekend on this game, stopping only to make a cup of tea or to eat. I played until Nat came back from her holiday, saw her for like 2 minutes before she went home, apparently she couldn't wait to see me hahahaaa, then back on the game. At about 1am I was on a boss part of the level in a massive gun fight, I ran over to some metal structure to climb up and kill the boss but my character went through the graphic and was then stuck on the inside!!! There was no way out at all, I'd been in this battle for about 20 minutes and now bad programming was going to rob me of my victory! I had to kill myself and lose... at which point I switched off my XBox in disgust, trying desperately to hold back the tears!
At this point I went to bed and watched tv until finally I dropped off, only to wake up with a growl and a "FUCK!" when my alarm went off and I realised I was destined for another week of slavery at work.
And there ladys and gentlemen, was my oh so exciting weekend. It seems I had nothing more interesting to talk about today.
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